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Information Lunch Learning Communities Q4
Wednesday, February 19th 2025, 12:45 - 13:45
IDE Studio 23/24 - Faculty of Industrial Design, TU Delft
Do you want to make an impact on creating a sustainable society as part of your curriculum?
Collaborate with fellow students (HBO/WO/MBO), companies, teachers, governmental institutions, and citizens. This can be part of your JIP, BEP, internship, MDP, MEP, or course project.
This information session will cover the following Learning Communities:
Are you interested in joining for Q4?
Find possible assignments on the specific learning community page.
Questions? Reach out to: r.h.bossen@tudelft.nl
How can circular sanitation provide a solution to a growing urban problem?
Learning Community
Self-sustaining personal care space
In the city park near the Den Haag Centraal train station, along the Laan van Reagan and Gorbatsjov, meals are provided to homeless individuals, but there are no facilities for personal care. As a result, this vulnerable group is forced to relieve themselves in public, leading to unhygienic conditions and making the park unpleasant for visitors.
Students are investigating how circular sanitation concepts can not only reduce nuisance but also positively highlight the issue of homelessness. These innovative sanitation solutions are examined against the backdrop of broader societal issues, such as the housing challenge, the looming shortage of drinking water, nitrogen problems, and the nutrient cycle. Their aim is a holistic approach that improves the living conditions of the homeless while contributing to sustainable urban development.
Research Question
Design a mobile ‘personal care space’ that is supplied with “grey” water, and explore how this can be technically implemented in practice.
First, it is important to determine the required quantity and quality of wash water and toilet flushing water. Next, it is necessary to identify the available water sources, assess their quality, and determine the treatment needed to make the water suitable. Finally, a choice will be made, and the best option will be further developed into a preliminary design.

De doelstelling van de Learning Community is bij te dragen aan de Green Deal: Duurzame Zorg
met als doel 50% reductie van grondstofverbruik in 2030 en maximaal circulair in 2050.
Omdat er op heel veel verschillende manieren naar deze doelstelling toe gewerkt kan worden is besloten gebruik te maken van R-Ladder met circulaire strategieën als kapstok om de verschillende vraagstukken aan op te hangen