Upcoming events
Information Lunch Learning Communities Q4
Wednesday, February 19th 2025, 12:45 - 13:45
IDE Studio 23/24 - Faculty of Industrial Design, TU Delft
Do you want to make an impact on creating a sustainable society as part of your curriculum?
Collaborate with fellow students (HBO/WO/MBO), companies, teachers, governmental institutions, and citizens. This can be part of your JIP, BEP, internship, MDP, MEP, or course project.
This information session will cover the following Learning Communities:
Are you interested in joining for Q4?
Find possible assignments on the specific learning community page.
Questions? Reach out to: r.h.bossen@tudelft.nl
Learning Community
Port of Maassluis
The Port of Maassluis Learning Community is an innovative hub committed to developing a green and self-sustaining energy system for its harbor. Collaborating with local businesses and residents, it's set to become a model for eco-friendly energy provision, integrating advanced technologies like Dr. Ten’s saltwater battery and SPIE's Integrated Virtual Power Plant.
Dokter Ten
Green business Club Waterweg
Gemeente Maassluis
Ontwikkelstichting Loods M
Hogeschool Rotterdam
ROC Mondriaan
Prof. Rene van Swaaij (TU Delft)
Hans Visser (Erfgoed Kwartiermaker)
Peter Anker (Hogeschool van Rotterdam)
Dr. Nico Persoon (ROC Mondriaan)

De doelstelling van de Learning Community is bij te dragen aan de Green Deal: Duurzame Zorg
met als doel 50% reductie van grondstofverbruik in 2030 en maximaal circulair in 2050.
Omdat er op heel veel verschillende manieren naar deze doelstelling toe gewerkt kan worden is besloten gebruik te maken van R-Ladder met circulaire strategieën als kapstok om de verschillende vraagstukken aan op te hangen
Op de website www.evengroenevrienden.nl kunnen (potentiele) stakeholders algemene informatie vinden over alle beschikbare Learning Communities. Via de website kunnen ook vraagstukken aangeleverd worden.
Er wordt gewerkt aan een platform waar vanuit stakeholders, studenten en onderwijstellingen met elkaar in verbinding kunnen komen en deliverables kunnen uploaden. Het online educatie platform van EdX zal hierbij de basis vormen. Zodra dit platform af is, wordt er op deze pagina naar verwezen.
Projectorganisatie & Communicatie
De projectorganisatie van deze LC wordt gevormd door Linette Bossen en Bart van Straten. Linette Bossen is de projectleider van projecten “Streetwise: learning with society” en “ET-TLC: Energy Transition – Talent in Learning Communities”. Vanuit deze projecten zijn de Learning Communities binnen Even Groene Vrienden ontstaan. Bart van Straten is een expert op het gebied van duurzaamheid en de circulaire gezondheidszorg. Hij is verbonden aan het bedrijf Van Straten Medical en aan verschillende onderwijs- en overheidsgerelateerde instellingen.
Hun rol is het faciliteren van de verschillende co-creatie sessies en partnersessies en de daar bijhorende communicatie, het up to date houden van het platform en de leerroute.

Current Project Cases
Below you can find an overview of the project cases currently available in the Learning Community Port of Maassluis:
Topic: Green Energy Provider Development
The municipality of Maassluis seeks to transition into a professional, democratic green energy supplier. The goal is to establish an intelligent, equitable energy system that addresses existing uncertainties, supports sustainable energy efforts, and promotes climate action. Loods M aims to lead this initiative, ensuring that moored ships and local residents benefit from renewable energy sources.
Topic: Smart Grid Development
Maassluis faces the challenge of becoming a self-sufficient port through the development of a pioneering smart grid. The objective is to overcome technical, economic, and organizational barriers, creating a grid that supports sustainable energy use, advances climate action initiatives, and sets an example for green energy adoption among docked vessels and local residents.
Topic: Sustainable Infrastructure Development
Transform Stroomopwaarts by designing and implementing cutting-edge sustainable building concepts across its expansive 5,400 m² space, which includes large halls and diverse workshops.
Topic: Innovative Storage Technologies
Develop and integrate advanced storage solutions that improve operational efficiency and sustainability within the facility.
Topic: Green Energy Solutions
Incorporate renewable energy sources to power workshops, reducing the carbon footprint and creating a model for energy-efficient work-learn environments.
Topic: Bio-based Insulation
Apply bio-based insulation materials to enhance the facility's environmental performance and achieve significant energy savings.
Topic: Bio-based Workshop Box
Introduce a bio-based workshop box concept within the industrial hall, showcasing modular and sustainable workspace design innovations.

Stakeholders & Meetings
We organize 2 partner sessions per year where students present their results through pitches. It is important for all participants to be present to enable meaningful discussions. These sessions are likely to take place in September and February.
In between, co-creation sessions are organized where students and stakeholders of a specific topic come together to discuss the assignment. Each 10-week cycle includes at least 2 co-creation sessions, each lasting approximately 2 hours. It is essential for organizations wishing to participate to commit to these sessions.
Expectations for Stakeholders:
Attend 2 topic-specific co-creation sessions per year.
Participate in the partner sessions.
Facilitate students in their research, for example, by providing meeting spaces, assisting with interviews, offering guidance, providing contacts, or enabling shadowing opportunities in environments such as hospitals.
If JIP (Joint Interdisciplinary Project) students are involved in the Learning Community, a coach from the organization will be available (see attachment for the Joint Interdisciplinary Project).
What is expected from students
A student must meet the requirements of the course in which they are completing an assignment for the Learning Community (self-monitoring and coordinating with the relevant teacher).
What is further expected from students:
Complete two reflection questionnaires: one before participation and one afterward (for internal research purposes).
Attend two co-creation sessions.
Participate in sprint sessions with fellow students.
Deliver a presentation at the partner session.
Write a reflection report.

Learning Community
Learning Communities are the driving force behind innovative developments. Professionals from companies, governments, and NGOs collaborate in Learning Communities with researchers, teachers, and students from various educational institutions. In Learning Communities, learning, working, and innovating take place in small groups united by a shared interest. The goal is to develop and share knowledge and to find solutions for complex societal challenges.
Key Principles
In addition to the points above, we also focus on the following principles.
With the agreements below, we ensure that the Learning Community is valuable for everyone involved:
Everyone who gains knowledge also shares knowledge.
Everyone is an expert.
Everyone participates; if you cannot attend, you arrange a replacement.
Knowledge, expertise, and products belong to all of us.
Together, we advance knowledge, products, and expertise.